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Most Effective, Best-Selling Therapeutic Music to Calm Your Dog

Canine Lullabies: Music with Heart

Combining traditional lullabies with the soothing and familiar rhythm of a real human heartbeat, Canine Lullabies creates a calming experience like no other. Backed by research, our music reduces excessive barking, eases separation anxiety, and calms pets during storms or other stressful situations.

Let’s be honest—whether you’re a stressed pet parent or a pet needing comfort, we could all use some rest! 🐾💤

But the magic doesn’t stop with our furry friends. For nearly 40 years, these heart-centered melodies have soothed millions of infants, children, adults, dogs, and cats, bringing peace to nurseries, homes, and animal shelters worldwide.

Composed with Care
Founded by music industry veteran Terry Woodford, Canine Lullabies is built on decades of musical expertise and a passion for helping others. With a blend of science, compassion, and creativity, we’re proud to offer a solution that truly makes a difference in the lives of pets and their owners.

Guardalo calmo come per magia!

I vantaggi del gioco
Ninne nanne canine

  • Ferma l'ansia da separazione
  • Smetti di abbaiare indesiderato
  • Calma un animale domestico ansioso in macchina
  • Ferma la fobia del tuono
  • Consola i cuccioli piagnucolanti
  • Lenisci un gatto o un cane iperattivo
  • Mantieni calmo un animale domestico malato o ferito
  • Comfort animali domestici durante i fuochi d'artificio

Queste stesse canzoni tradizionali della scuola materna sostenute dalla ricerca, utilizzando un vero battito cardiaco umano come ritmo, hanno confortato milioni di neonati, bambini, adulti, cani e gatti dal 1985. Sono le registrazioni di musica terapeutica più vendute al mondo perché funzionano.

  • Guarda la stessa musica confortare neonati e bambini.


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    The Washington Post

    “Canine Lullabies,” as Woodford calls his latest works, marry the sound of a human heartbeat to traditional lullabies...

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    Dog Edition Podcast

    Humans sang before we created language, some linguists say. Is our first language the best way to communicate with dogs?...

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    Pet Life Radio Podcast

    Using the power of the sound of the human heartbeat combined with lullabies has a remarkable effect on dogs!...

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    Guarda una ninna nanna canina calmare 50 cani che abbaiano in meno di 2 minuti.

    Want to listen offline? Your dog can enjoy calming Canine Lullabies anytime, anywhere, even without access to a phone or computer!

    Our "Love It!" Guarantee

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